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Conversation: total 5 hours
280€spreken, spreken, sprekenValid for 3 months- 30 minutes speed session
- 60 minutes speed session
Conversation: 9 hours total
486€spreken, spreken, sprekenValid for 6 months- 30 minutes speed session
- 60 minutes speed session
2 courses beg 1+2
628€Beginners 1 + 2Valid for 6 months3 courses: beg 1+2+3
1,146€Beginners 1 + 2 +3Valid for 8 months- package deal
10 private sessions
1,050€Level up with 10 sessions of 90 minutesValid for 3 months16 private sessions
1,608€Level up with 16 sessions of 90 minutesValid for 6 months- private tutoring with homeworks
40 private sessions
3,870€Level up with 40 sessions of 90 minutesValid for 12 months- private tutoring with homeworks
Inburgeringsexamen: 3 hours prep
195€Preparatory training for integration examsValid for 2 months- inburgeringsexamen training
Inburgeringsexamen: 6 hours prep
372€Preparatory training for integration examsValid for 3 months- inburgeringsexamen training
3 hours writing
160€corrections on your writing skilssValid for 3 months- Writing skills
Dutch for waiters 3 x 90 minutes
257€Take your order in Dutch. It's really easy! Split the cost with another waiter and learn it in just 3 sessionsValid for 3 months- Dutch for waiters - the horeca sessions
2 courses beg 2+3
779€beginners 2 + beginners 3Valid for 6 months3 courses: beg 3, interm 1+2
1,146€Beginners 3 + intermediate 1 & 2Valid for 12 months
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Coupons can be used exclusively for group courses. You can use you coupon code in the payment section.
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